Are You Really Listening?

woman-ear-150x150The power to listen affects every aspect of a person’s life. It guides the development of consciousness and the biological development of the nervous system. The vestibular system of the ear also controls posture and muscle tension. Listening involves a choice, and the patterns for how we make those choices started two months after conception when we started listening to the high pitched frequencies of our mother’s voice.

Unfortunately, not all the patterns that have developed over time are beneficial and may be affecting our relationships, our ability to learn, our jobs, and our spiritual growth. On the positive side, however, these patterns can be changed.

There are many systems that have been developed to help change the way we perceive information and consequential how we respond to it. A lot of these systems have been around for a while and produce positive results. The problem is a lot of these systems rely on auditory information to effect change. If the root cause of a personal issue is the way our ears are processing information, and we are trying to change that using a verbal approach, say through talk therapy, progress may be slow.

This is why Alfred Tomatis developed his method to retrain the inner ear muscles —a process he called Sonic Birth. Tomatis wanted to create sounds that would mimic what a person heard in the womb and reestablish listening patterns from that point forward. By establishing correct patterns of listening a person is then able to make progress in other areas of their life. Tomatis also developed advanced listening tests that could pinpoint listening issues and help monitor progress. In the view of Tomatis, listening is a high level ability that is key to consciousness and personal development. (To learn more, visit

The Tomatis Method has worked where many other methods have failed because it addresses root structural issues.

•    Learning Difficulties
•    Language Disorders
•    Attention Disorders
•    Affective and Emotional Disorders
•    Psychomotor Difficulties
•    Pervasive Development Disorder
•    Personal Development and Well-Being
•    Improvement of Voice and Musicality
•    Integration of Foreign Languages

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DISCLAIMER: These programs are adapted to most listening-related disorders.
The Tomatis Method is not a treatment for any known disease,
nor a means of formulating a diagnosis for any medical or psychological disorder.