Overcoming Autism with Tomatis


At my last training session for Tomatis practitioners I met Sharmila, a speech pathologist, who was also updating her training. She told me her personal story about working with the Tomatis method and I promised I would share it.


When Sharmila’s second son Ryan was born in 1992 everything seemed normal. He was the best baby ever, he hardly ever cried and slept through the night. He seemed to develop normally until age two. After age two he started to regress. Language disappeared and he started to wear diapers again. Sharmila started taking him to Doctors and the Doctors kept telling her she was crazy and that maybe she was overly stressed. She kept persisting over a period of one year during which time the light kept dimming in Ryan’s eyes, it was like his soul left but his body was still there.


Finally, she found a new pediatrician who immediately referred Ryan to a pediatric developmental neurologist. The neurologist gave no diagnosis but said the child needed to start occupational therapy, speech therapy and a special preschool class. After a year and half Ryan was given the diagnosis of Autism. After six years of occupational therapy, behavior modification therapy, speech therapy, educational therapy, the child had no speech, was still wearing diapers and was having difficulty walking. Sharmila felt the therapies had helped to control his behavior and tantrums, but now she had a robot instead of a son. The developmental neurologist did another evaluation and said Ryan was not making any more progress and should be institutionalized.


Sharmila was upset, she would not put her son in an institution. She pleaded with the doctor, “There must be something else I could try”. The doctor sighed and gave her the name of a Tomatis practitioner, “You can go see this crazy doctor, I don’t know what she does, but it seems to help”


From Ryan’s first Tomatis treatment changes started to occur. The light started to come on in his eyes and he started to say words but his behavior started to worsen. It was like his behavioral therapy was dissolving. For 15 days it was sheer torture. Sharmila was driving 800 miles a week for the various treatments and would have stopped but she met another woman with an autistic child who had been through the program and saw positive changes in her son.


After 15 days of Tomatis sessions Sharmila’s son started communicating. She decided to continue with the Tomatis program, 15 days on, 1 month off for almost a year. During the year of Tomatis work Ryan continued with his other therapies and started to make progress in all areas again. After one year Ryan had made tremendous progress. He was communicating through speech and was potty trained. His behavior had begun to normalize and was walking in a typical manner.


The owner of the Tomatis clinic closed her California office to focus on her practice in Arizona and Sharmila started her own journey to become a Tomatis Practitioner and continued to work with her son using sound therapy.  At age 20, Ryan has a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He is an Eagle Scout and just passed his written drivers test. He still has learning challenges, but he is a productive young man.


Sharmila now helps many other children with learning challenges at her clinic in L.A. and is profoundly grateful for the Tomatis method and for the Cellfield program which corrected some of Ryan’s vision problems which Tomatis alone did not address.


Sharmilla can be reached at Integrated Therapy Solutions 8885 Venice Blvd Ste 105 Los Angeles, CA 90034    310-838-1552  www.itssca.com  info@itssca.com

Advances in Neuroplasticity – Bozeman Pechakucha Night Notes

Advances in Neuroplasticity      –   Bozeman PechaKucha Night

Good evening, I am Michael Koster and I would like to give you some insights into the exciting area of Neuroplasticity as well as some concrete examples of practical applications.   I hope you are all taking notes tonight because there will be a quiz at the end of this presentation.

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This is the model of the brain that has been used for the last 400 years.  It has well defined regions and those regions do not change. This lead to important conclusions about the brain:

1.       When brain cells failed to develop properly or were damaged they could not be replaced.

2.       The brain could not alter it’s structure or find new ways to function once it was damaged.

play dough images

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This is the current model of the brain, actually this is what your brain looks like after you raise teens,

A plastic brain or neuroplasticity implies that the brain can change

1.       Children are not always stuck with the mental abilities they are born with.

2.       A damaged brain can reorganize itself

3.       Old dogs can learn new tricks with ease

neurons brain

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The Nucleus Basalis focuses our attention and helps us remember what we are experiencing.  After the critical periods of development in childhood when the nucleus is always on, it can only be activated when something important, novel, or surprising occurs or when we make the effort to pay close attention.  This the brain region that is the control center for plasticity.

woman with helment

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This is Cheryl.  Her balance system was destroyed by an antibiotic.  Consequently she can hardly stand up on her own and always feels like she is falling over. The helmet she is wearing has an accelerometer built into it that feeds information to electrodes on her tongue. From the moment she put the helmet on the sense of falling left her.

paul_bach_y_rita real chair bach-y-rita1

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Paul Bach-y-Rita built the helmet Cheryl is wearing and is one of the pioneers of sense substitution.   His first device was a chair that allowed blind people to see images through vibrating sensors on their back. The original version built in the 60’s weight over 400 pounds.

woman with brainport edit pons device

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The new version weights a view ounces and mounts on a pair of glasses. Like the helmet it   also works through electrodes stimulating the tongue.  The Pons device is the interface that sends the signals.  Bach-y-Rita’s team has found that just programing the ponds to send random impulses can help people with Multiple Sclerosis regain motor function and speech.

Michael Merzenich

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Michael Merzenich was probably the first person to use the term Neuroplasticity in the published Literature.    His original work was on cochlear implants that bypass the damaged parts of the ear and feed sound signals directly to the brain. He proved with a series of experiments that brain maps do in fact change over time.

Brain Map

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He has taken his knowledge of brain maps and turned it into practical inventions that help sharpen perception and memory, and heal learning problems. His team of scientists develop software programs that redesign the brain by training specific processing areas to do more mental work………( He believes that IQ can be improved.)


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A set of Identical twins was enrolled in our Montessori Preschool. One neuro typical, the other exhibiting a lack of awareness of other people and obsessive behavior.   We gave him four thirteen day treatments sessions of a sound therapy program known as the Tomatis Method.  He now exhibits neuro typical behavior and is more advanced academically and socially then his twin brother.

Alfred Tomatis

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Alfred Tomatis developed this method and a device he called the electronic ear in the 1950’s originally to help Opera singers regain damaged areas of their vocal range.

He discovered:

1.       The voice only contains what the ear hears

2.       If hearing is modified the voice is immediately modified

3.       It is possible it permanently change speech by means of auditory stimulation.


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The Tomatis Method uses the ear as a gateway to the brain. The ear not only transmits sound to the brain but also transmits information about balance.  By stimulating the ear in specific ways it is possible to strengthen the auditory reflex and retune the cortex to respond to different frequency ranges.


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This little girl had an inability coordinate her movements, she could not speak clearly and was not potty train at age 4 and a half.  In our Montessori environment she could not sit still or focus on a lesson.   After we gave her 7 days of sound therapy she potty train herself.  After 15 days her speech began to clear and she began to focus on lessons.

music sound wave

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The Tomatis method uses modified classical music that has been sent through sound processors. Because of the unpredictability that has been added to the music it forces the brains processing  centers to stay engaged. This facilitates neuroplasticity and allows  the brain to rewire itself .

Fishing in a river

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Recently, a 69 year old dentist suffered a major stroke. He was given an experimental drug that saved his life, but he experienced loss of fluid speech and loss of fine motor control. After three months of traditional therapy he still had not recovered.   After 15 days of sound therapy he was able to speak clearly and tie sutures again.Langue frequency range

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Languages exist in different frequency ranges.   One theory of autism is that during critical periods of language development too many neural connections are made, overwhelming the nervous system.  Sound Therapy can help reset neural connections for specific language frequencies pruning back unwanted frequencies and making it easier to learn new languages .

Fish Oil

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Nutrition is a vital component of neuron development.    50% of the oily part of synaptic membranes in the brain are made up of DHA fatty acids.  If the body does not have enough DHA it uses inferior material which can lead to anxiety, depression, poor memory, and poor reaction time.

Brain lifting barbell. Mind power concept.

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Exercising your brain is one of the most positive things you can do to promote healthy neural networks.  Learning something new and challenging like a foreign  language, taking up an instrument and learning to read music  or practicing on specifically designed software can keep your brain stay young and healthy.  I don’t think watching you tube videos or Netflix counts though.

Norman Doidge the brain that changes the brains way

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Norman Doidge is one of the leading experts on neuroplasticity and he has written two amazing books on the topic from which I have borrowed liberally.  These books chronicle many other discoveries from the frontiers of neuro science.  Both books are entertaining and include references to published studies.

story time with grandpa

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Many children with learning challenges are brilliant and try much harder then their peers they just need the right neural connections. Based on my research 95% of all learning disorders and many developmental delays can be corrected with the neuroplastic technology currently available.  Research indicates older brains can be helped as well.

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O.K.  I warned you there would there would be a quiz at the end of this presentation.  I realize this is  kind of a trick question but I want to see a show of hands of people who think yes the brain can change?  How about no? Still a few nos. well I guess some brains don’t change,  but most can change with the right stimulation. Just in case you weren’t taking notes I posted my lecture notes on my website under blogs.

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Thank you, I am Michael Koster and you can find me at IntegratedBrainSolutions .com

My e-mail address is michael_kost5@msn.com

Making the Right Connections in Your Child’s Brain

By Michael Koster MS

Brain NetworksA lot of the learning challenges that children deal with, including attention deficit disorders, dyslexia, apraxia, autism spectrum and even global developmental delays have a component of incomplete or incorrect neural connections and pathways in the brain. There are probably many reasons why these incomplete connections occur and many of the symptoms can be devastating for the child and for the parent. The most frustrating part is that many of the children who suffer from these develop some type of coping strategy.

There is hope for these children from the frontiers of Neuroplasticity. With a little help from the right type of stimulus the brain can rewire itself. Dr. Norman Doidge has written two books documenting these discoveries; “The Brain That Changes Itself” and “The Brain’s Way of Healing”. Although nutrition and nutritional supplements are an important part of helping the brain develop and heal, for the most part, prescription drugs are not a part of most of these treatments.

Child listens

So what is the correct stimulus to help the brain rewire itself? In chapter 8 of “The Brain’s way of Healing” Doidge talks about the Tomatis Method and how sound and music that has been modified in a specific way can help form new neural pathways in the brain from the sub cortical level up. This method can have a dramatic effect on attention, academic performance, memory, sensory processing, speech, motor coordination and emotional regulation. The Tomatis method was originally developed by Dr. Alfred Tomatis in the 1950’s in France. The method is widely used throughout Europe, and is finally being “discovered” by Neuroscientists in the United States.

Music activates many areas of the brain at the same time, including areas for language, timing, spatial reasoning and emotion. Because the music that is being used with the Tomatis Method has been modified in a specific way that is somewhat unpredictable, the brain does not habituate to it and hence the higher frontal cortex is constantly engaged in Child's earprocessing. From Neuroscience the adage “neurons that fire together wire together” comes into play and new neural pathways are formed and almost miraculously the child starts having more self control, self regulation and the world around him begins to make sense.

The music has also been filtered in such a way that the method starts fine tuning the auditory processing pathways. Many children with learning challenges hear too much and cannot discriminate properly what is the important information they are trying to process. The Tomatis Method helps the child listen correctly which allows learning to be more effective and easier.

For more in-depth information: http://www.tomatis.com/.

Are You Really Listening?

woman-ear-150x150The power to listen affects every aspect of a person’s life. It guides the development of consciousness and the biological development of the nervous system. The vestibular system of the ear also controls posture and muscle tension. Listening involves a choice, and the patterns for how we make those choices started two months after conception when we started listening to the high pitched frequencies of our mother’s voice.

Unfortunately, not all the patterns that have developed over time are beneficial and may be affecting our relationships, our ability to learn, our jobs, and our spiritual growth. On the positive side, however, these patterns can be changed.

There are many systems that have been developed to help change the way we perceive information and consequential how we respond to it. A lot of these systems have been around for a while and produce positive results. The problem is a lot of these systems rely on auditory information to effect change. If the root cause of a personal issue is the way our ears are processing information, and we are trying to change that using a verbal approach, say through talk therapy, progress may be slow.

This is why Alfred Tomatis developed his method to retrain the inner ear muscles —a process he called Sonic Birth. Tomatis wanted to create sounds that would mimic what a person heard in the womb and reestablish listening patterns from that point forward. By establishing correct patterns of listening a person is then able to make progress in other areas of their life. Tomatis also developed advanced listening tests that could pinpoint listening issues and help monitor progress. In the view of Tomatis, listening is a high level ability that is key to consciousness and personal development. (To learn more, visit Tomatis.com.)

The Tomatis Method has worked where many other methods have failed because it addresses root structural issues.

•    Learning Difficulties
•    Language Disorders
•    Attention Disorders
•    Affective and Emotional Disorders
•    Psychomotor Difficulties
•    Pervasive Development Disorder
•    Personal Development and Well-Being
•    Improvement of Voice and Musicality
•    Integration of Foreign Languages

DISCLAIMER: These programs are adapted to most listening-related disorders.
The Tomatis Method is not a treatment for any known disease,
nor a means of formulating a diagnosis for any medical or psychological disorder.